Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Holiday Diary
Holiday is about having whole lot of fun and all the adrenaline rush. Ya, thats true for the earlier part of MY holiday, but not now. Now, its about resting phase, about eating, sleeping, watching TV, reading, having nothing to do and the most spirit dampening part of it-being sick.
Retrieving data...
Time flows back by 3days. 1 was on the way to KLIA airport in a white HONDA ( forgive me for forgetting the car model) in the dawn breaking hour of the day. 6:30a.m. Traffic was smooth that morning. Sprinting on the highway, passing through two toll gates, in high spirit. Finally, the not so elegant building of KLIA stood in front of us. We drove pass the main entrance, to the parking building ahead. We found a parking lot and there our car went in. Take the lift to the upper floor. Found myself in the middle of a big hallway. This is not the first time 1 am here, neither the 2nd time, but cant help feeling lost. Searching the sign boards for <Departure Hall> and manage to reach there after climbing 2 or 3 flights of escalators. There in front me was the Departure Hall, abuzz with all sorts of human beans. There 1 am, lost again. The first thing that come into my head was looking for the luggage security check machine but could find none. 1 got to know that the airport have automatized the luggage checking, little embarrassment ^''''^ Then, tried a new stuff- automatic check-in machine. And got to choose my own seat. Proud over my achievement. Then, luggage drop off. Long queues and keep on changing queues cox have the sense that the queue beside gotta to be faster. And alas, the most annoying thing happened in front of my eyes. A middle age man jumped the queue, ahead of me! He pretended chatting to the lady in front, whom 1 think is the same herd as him. After the conversation, he stuck there, a person away in front of me. 1 m gonna to box his head off. Due to his Chinese look and holding passport and the costumes, guess that he is from HK. What a disgrace. As a Malaysian, 1 feel obliged to show our hospitality, therefore i din show him my color ( actually is daren't). Everything went on smoothly and made my way to the boarding room. And there, 1 saw HIM! No surprise at all, cox 1 knew it earlier already. But yet cant help feeling happy :> There he is, still the usual him but new laptop. There is this great man in history, who had been overnight in KLIA since last evening. Before boarding, 1saw HER. She looked pale and tired. IS it the responsibilities on her shoulders? She saw me and smiled. I grinned.
Finally on board. Took off after what seemed like a decade. Ate a whole plate of chicken noodles and a muffin. Drank orange juice and two cups of guava. Two hours later, the plane landed with a thud sound. At that moment, i could hear the cheer inside all the passengers, may they be coming home, for vacation, visit relatives.
Had extraordinary long period wasted on waiting for my luggage. Mum and Grandpa grown impatient. Walked out. 1 am back! Found that the airport is under construction. Walked pass the wooden planes on the floor to the car. Went to visit HER on the way back. The Sun was bright. We had an umbrella each. She is still young as ever. Leave shortly.
Retrieving data...
Time flows back by 3days. 1 was on the way to KLIA airport in a white HONDA ( forgive me for forgetting the car model) in the dawn breaking hour of the day. 6:30a.m. Traffic was smooth that morning. Sprinting on the highway, passing through two toll gates, in high spirit. Finally, the not so elegant building of KLIA stood in front of us. We drove pass the main entrance, to the parking building ahead. We found a parking lot and there our car went in. Take the lift to the upper floor. Found myself in the middle of a big hallway. This is not the first time 1 am here, neither the 2nd time, but cant help feeling lost. Searching the sign boards for <Departure Hall> and manage to reach there after climbing 2 or 3 flights of escalators. There in front me was the Departure Hall, abuzz with all sorts of human beans. There 1 am, lost again. The first thing that come into my head was looking for the luggage security check machine but could find none. 1 got to know that the airport have automatized the luggage checking, little embarrassment ^''''^ Then, tried a new stuff- automatic check-in machine. And got to choose my own seat. Proud over my achievement. Then, luggage drop off. Long queues and keep on changing queues cox have the sense that the queue beside gotta to be faster. And alas, the most annoying thing happened in front of my eyes. A middle age man jumped the queue, ahead of me! He pretended chatting to the lady in front, whom 1 think is the same herd as him. After the conversation, he stuck there, a person away in front of me. 1 m gonna to box his head off. Due to his Chinese look and holding passport and the costumes, guess that he is from HK. What a disgrace. As a Malaysian, 1 feel obliged to show our hospitality, therefore i din show him my color ( actually is daren't). Everything went on smoothly and made my way to the boarding room. And there, 1 saw HIM! No surprise at all, cox 1 knew it earlier already. But yet cant help feeling happy :> There he is, still the usual him but new laptop. There is this great man in history, who had been overnight in KLIA since last evening. Before boarding, 1saw HER. She looked pale and tired. IS it the responsibilities on her shoulders? She saw me and smiled. I grinned.
Finally on board. Took off after what seemed like a decade. Ate a whole plate of chicken noodles and a muffin. Drank orange juice and two cups of guava. Two hours later, the plane landed with a thud sound. At that moment, i could hear the cheer inside all the passengers, may they be coming home, for vacation, visit relatives.
Had extraordinary long period wasted on waiting for my luggage. Mum and Grandpa grown impatient. Walked out. 1 am back! Found that the airport is under construction. Walked pass the wooden planes on the floor to the car. Went to visit HER on the way back. The Sun was bright. We had an umbrella each. She is still young as ever. Leave shortly.
Friday, November 26, 2010
十一个小时可以做什么? 可以读书, 可以睡觉, 可以工作, 可以旅游,可以谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱。 可以打线上游戏。 还有呢? 还可以血拼马拉松!
0900hr- 在考场内苦拼
0930hr- 继续埋头,冒冷汗
1000hr- 什么? 还有taklimat? @#$%^&
1130hr- 首站,巴士站。
巴士站人满为患。心情指数百分百 。Monorail 上。 原来今天是唇生日。众目睽睽下极为尴尬地合唱生日歌。
1200hr- TS-ing
Next station, Inmbi. 摸摸口袋里的皮夹,最近瘦了。提款。接下来,医肚子去。Sushi King. 试了黄金煎蛋,鲔鱼寿司。鲔鱼肉如嚼蜡,像溶了的蜡烛。鳗鱼饭好好吃,足以媲美家母的厨艺。服务生翻箱倒柜迎接我们。 肚子胀胀的,待会皮夹会大失血吧。隔壁桌飘来了两朵樱花,操一口日语。 临行前遇到buddy mate, 请她吃特级鱼卵寿司。本人没啥优点,就人格高尚。
人潮汹涌,讨价还价声不绝于耳,如万蜂齐鸣,啥是动听。不知不觉来到了年终清仓大甩卖现场。其他人兴致缺缺,本人却双眼发亮。与Vege冲入了战场。夺得了一双日本拖及衣架。Vege 买了洗碗液容器,衣架及pop pop. 无奈旅程紧凑,依依不舍离开了大卖场。
1330hr- 电子L.Y
逛了一会,大伙儿各有所好,分道扬镳了。我与WLS, Vege, 唇, 恆流落天涯。呆在3D电视机前看小虾斗大章鱼。看到了芸芸卡通模型,日本食品专卖店,两个员工拼命推销天地通broadband. Avira防毒软件员工排排站,还有一个方形手机,一个老人机,还有一直不错的手机广告。买了一个自称是太空饮料的饮品。店主欧巴桑态度友善,老当益壮。太空饮料味道不错,像太空生物的滋味。Vege及恆则选择了巧克力口味。
1500hr- 前往 Pav
以学生身份买了五张戏票。《死神圣物》,Times书局。坐在地上看了一篇关于怪物单位杂志,坐在椅上看了地理杂志。磨掉了一粒钟。GSC. 环境清幽,气温稍低。 电影开始了。度日如年。两小时如两世纪之久。唯一值得庆幸的是女主角依然美丽大方,男主角丑陋龌龊。两小时半过了,再回头已是百年生。期间与杰通了讯息 恰巧手机在这时没电了。渐渐发现室温有过低的倾向,此刻犹如置身于冷冻库的猪肉片。
饭后重获活力,兴致高昂。逛名牌店去。Billabong, Quicksilver, Ck Jeans, Giordano, Adidas, Nike 统统征服了。在PAdini专柜因扰乱衣物辛苦了专柜小姐。I am so sorry. 闲逛的当儿,又有了新发现。底楼竟然有篮球赛,各楼枰栏处一时挤满了人潮,男性的嗜血性真是不容小歔啊。 再来,到Parkson 买了一本面包。终于舍得离开了。临行前,在一棵摆设圣诞树下摄影留念。摆了丑丑的朴式照了。
2200hr- 回家了
P.S: 事后感想——生命极其宝贵,应充实过好每一天:因此,请尽情挥霍每一天,让生命绽放绚丽的火花。。
0900hr- 在考场内苦拼
0930hr- 继续埋头,冒冷汗
1000hr- 什么? 还有taklimat? @#$%^&
1130hr- 首站,巴士站。
巴士站人满为患。心情指数百分百 。Monorail 上。 原来今天是唇生日。众目睽睽下极为尴尬地合唱生日歌。
1200hr- TS-ing
Next station, Inmbi. 摸摸口袋里的皮夹,最近瘦了。提款。接下来,医肚子去。Sushi King. 试了黄金煎蛋,鲔鱼寿司。鲔鱼肉如嚼蜡,像溶了的蜡烛。鳗鱼饭好好吃,足以媲美家母的厨艺。服务生翻箱倒柜迎接我们。 肚子胀胀的,待会皮夹会大失血吧。隔壁桌飘来了两朵樱花,操一口日语。 临行前遇到buddy mate, 请她吃特级鱼卵寿司。本人没啥优点,就人格高尚。
人潮汹涌,讨价还价声不绝于耳,如万蜂齐鸣,啥是动听。不知不觉来到了年终清仓大甩卖现场。其他人兴致缺缺,本人却双眼发亮。与Vege冲入了战场。夺得了一双日本拖及衣架。Vege 买了洗碗液容器,衣架及pop pop. 无奈旅程紧凑,依依不舍离开了大卖场。
1330hr- 电子L.Y
逛了一会,大伙儿各有所好,分道扬镳了。我与WLS, Vege, 唇, 恆流落天涯。呆在3D电视机前看小虾斗大章鱼。看到了芸芸卡通模型,日本食品专卖店,两个员工拼命推销天地通broadband. Avira防毒软件员工排排站,还有一个方形手机,一个老人机,还有一直不错的手机广告。买了一个自称是太空饮料的饮品。店主欧巴桑态度友善,老当益壮。太空饮料味道不错,像太空生物的滋味。Vege及恆则选择了巧克力口味。
1500hr- 前往 Pav
以学生身份买了五张戏票。《死神圣物》,Times书局。坐在地上看了一篇关于怪物单位杂志,坐在椅上看了地理杂志。磨掉了一粒钟。GSC. 环境清幽,气温稍低。 电影开始了。度日如年。两小时如两世纪之久。唯一值得庆幸的是女主角依然美丽大方,男主角丑陋龌龊。两小时半过了,再回头已是百年生。期间与杰通了讯息 恰巧手机在这时没电了。渐渐发现室温有过低的倾向,此刻犹如置身于冷冻库的猪肉片。
饭后重获活力,兴致高昂。逛名牌店去。Billabong, Quicksilver, Ck Jeans, Giordano, Adidas, Nike 统统征服了。在PAdini专柜因扰乱衣物辛苦了专柜小姐。I am so sorry. 闲逛的当儿,又有了新发现。底楼竟然有篮球赛,各楼枰栏处一时挤满了人潮,男性的嗜血性真是不容小歔啊。 再来,到Parkson 买了一本面包。终于舍得离开了。临行前,在一棵摆设圣诞树下摄影留念。摆了丑丑的朴式照了。
2200hr- 回家了
P.S: 事后感想——生命极其宝贵,应充实过好每一天:因此,请尽情挥霍每一天,让生命绽放绚丽的火花。。
Thursday, November 11, 2010
DAte: 121110
Time: 0518
Weather: A swirl of darkness with occasional swivels of lightning
Event: Blogging
Status: Not alone
Why: Cox gt other ppl around
Location: In front of my desk
Previous event: Reading lecture notes
Mental state: Confused
Presenting illness: Hallucination
Justification: Envying the life of a house gecko where it doesn nid to study.
Complications: Feeling tat i was dead years ago
Future plans: Get gud results. Gt gud rest. Gt gud food. Gt gud shopping. Gt out of here
Diagnosis: Impossible
Medication: Offline and go study
Aggressiveness: Highly dangerous, may turn loose at any moment.
Fatality: Highly fatal
Feeling: Feel like killling an elephant with a punch
High score: Terminate lives of 3 mosquitoes
Device: Palms
Friday, November 5, 2010
My God! Where is he?
You can interpret the title in two ways. First: Oh my God! Where is he? Second: Where is my God? Well, if you interpret it in the first way, u r normal. If u interpret it in the 2nd way, u r abnormal. Sry tat first interpretation is wrong. 2nd is correct.
One morning, i woke up in warm and dazzling sun rays filtering in from the window. i sat on my bed, eyes winced into strings, looking around me. i am in my bedroom, of course. i turned and looked around. Nobody's around. Bt is it really nobody around? Then, where is he?
He had been there since the day i was borne. Every season, day and night, every hour of the day. Whenever i am here, he ll be here. Indeed, 19 yrs of my life, he has never been absent.
But where is he now? I searched my room. Is he under the bed? I opened my cabinate. Inside the drawer? Bathroom? Overturned my pail. Up the dusty cupboard? Hiding elsewhere? I combed the whole room. After an hour, i gave up. He has gone.
I cried, i weeped, i sobbed.
He had been here the day before. Two days before. Three years before, months and years before. So ancient that i cant remember when he started to exist.
I had been busy lately. Not lately, bt long time ago. Nt busy, bt very busy. When i was studying, he used to be around.. Bt i had been too busy.. Much too busy. He lingered around me, and i paying no attention to him. Like a busy daddy trying to ignore the playful son. Sometimes, i shoo him away. "Sry, pls leave me alone. i m too busy for other things." Things became worse when the exams are coming. I spend hrs and hrs in front of study desk. Sry, u r important to me, bt nt now.. I nid to be prepared for it. If u r so free, do give me blessings.
As i mentioned, i have been busy. After exam, i had to go out and enjoy myself to make up for the tortures i had gone thru all these days. Again, i locked him up. I had fun. I played, I laughed a lot. It was middle of the nite before i come back. The light were still on. He is still there. He had gone weary waiting from me. Bt i cn see fire burning in his eyes. I cant accompany him. Sry, nt today. I am too tired. I have to go to bed..
There were times i m in-obedient. He knows every thing that i had done wrong. Because he knows everything under the Sun. He would stared at me with angry looks. Many a times, he will sigh long. He gets mad at me and make me promise i ll never repeat it. I promise, i swear, i never gt rid of them. But he forgive again and again...
I think of the time we had together. Peaceful and joyful moments i never had before. But men are weak, and they tend to 4get..
I folded my hands and closed my eyes. And that was this feeling, so familiar and yet so long-lost. There he is, coming in the morning breeze, filling the whole room.
"I have been looking for you.."
"Me too.." he replied.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Its never too early to wish u Merry Christmas
The story takes place in a country, known as Malaysia, in a city, by the name of Kuala Lumpur. Christmas is a big day for every Christian and indeed most of the Malaysians. During this festival, we can go shopping cox there's sales everywhere. we send christmas cards to each others, we have christmas concerts, christmas gatherings. christmas parties.. (Music playing softly) .. and christmas church service ( sound of glass breaking). However, is this what christmas really meant to be? And who's the main character of christmas? Santa Claus? Raindeer? Christmas presents in stockings? Dwarves? 101 Dalmations? Or a roasted giant turkey? (A person showing cards with pictures of aforementioned characters.) Definitely no. Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
(In a shopping mall, Christmas song playing)
Shopping mall buzzled with pp, doing Christmas shopping. A Santa approaches the cashier. Unexpected, he draws a gun and points it at her. "Merry Christmas! Santa Fund Raising!" Cashier hands up. "Gimme all the cash!" Cashier hands over the money, hands trembling. "Hohoho.." Santa leaves the shopping mall.
(On a road)
People rushing home for Christmas parties. A Santa approaches a group of girls, showing his knife. Girls screaming. "Merry Christmas! Santa Fund Raising!" He grabbed the shopping bags and their handbags. "Hohoho.." Santa leaving.
(In a house, owls hooting)
5 Santas holding a party. Tossing and drinking and eating KFC. "Merry Christmas!" One of them goes and turns on the TV. (News Broadcasting music) (Broadcaster adjusting her attire and hair) "Santa Krisis" "Apa yang akan berlaku apabila Santa menjadi penjahat? Sepanjang minggu ini, 5 bank, 5 gedung beli-belah dan 5 buah rumah telah dirompak oleh sekumpulan Santa.. Selain itu, 5 orang turut mengadu dirompak ketika berada di tengah jalan raya. Menurut mangsa, mereka memakai seperti Santa biasa kecuali mereka memakai selipar Jepun, menjadikan mereka sukar dikenali. Satu lagi persamaan mereka ialah mereka akan cakap: Merry Christmas! Santa Fund Raising! Hohoho.. ketika merompak. Jadi, org ramai disaran berhati-hati ketika berada dalam kalangan Santa, terutamanya Santa yang memakai selipar Jepun." "Hohoho.." he turns off the TV.
The doorbell rings. Half drunken, one of them opens the door. There's a bright light outside and all of them are stunned..
3 Wisemen follows a star until they reach a stable.(Star on a magic wand hold by another pp) Leaving their sandals outside, they push the door and enter. They saw a most amazing sight of their life. A baby boy lying on a heap of dry grass. Jesus is the name. Mary and Joseph, the parents are at the side. A hoard of angels appear. (Hymn song playing) The angels are singing. Wisemen are overjoyed. They put aside the presents. Hold the baby and pass him over their heads. At the same time, they are giving blessing to the baby in different languages.
(Fast tempo music)
Time flies. Years later, Jesus grows into a strong and handsome young man. He helps his father in the carpentry. And he starts preaching words of God and healing the sick and suffering. Scene showing a lame, a blind, a coughing old man, a dead pp covered by white cloth. "Stand up and walk. Your faith has healed you" The lame walks away, happily. "In the name of The Father, you shall see." The blind takes off the sunspecs. Jesus pats the coughing one on the back and coughing ceases immediately. He walks pass the dead and she is risen to life. However, what Jesus does in unpleasing to the chief priests, false prophets and teachers of law. They are seeking opportunities to kill Jesus. (Far away, a group of pp shaking heads, sighing and whispering among themselves)
(Sad music)
Jesus is having supper with his disciples. "I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me- one who is eating with me." He took bread, gave thanks, gave it to his disciples, saying,"Take it, this is my body." He took the cup, gave thanks, and offered it to them, they all drank from it. "This is my blood and the covenant, which is poured out for many." When they had sung a hymn, they went out to Mount of Olives, where Jesus pray to the Lord:" Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will but what you will." Judas, one of his disciples, comes with a group of soldiers, "Rabbi!" he cried out and kisses Jesus. Jesus is arrested.
(Sad music again)
Jesus is tortured. Soldiers whipped him and pierced him with spears. They make a crown of thorns and make him wear it. He is then nailed on the cross, crucified. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He cried out again in loud voice, he gave up his spirit. (strong music) Curtains of temple was torn to in 2 from top to bottom. Earth shook. Rocks split. Tombs broke open, bodies of holy pp who had died were raised to life, went into city and appeared to many pp.
Women go to Jesus tomb, carrying flowers for him. The stone was rolled away. Only the cloth wrapping Jesus's body remained. Picked up the cloth in their hands:"Where is Jesus?" Jesus appeared to the multitude, showing the nail marks on his palms and testifying for God. He ascended into heaven. "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creations."
(Owls hooting)
Santas wake up frm their dreams. They are trembling at what they had seen and heard. They heard a voice as sweet as the ringing of jingle bells: Here i am! Standing at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, i will come in and eat with him, and he wif me. (christmas carol song) They heard a song coming from far to near. Christmas carol! (Carol team acts as if they are singing it) The Santas pick up their belongings and merrily join the carol.
[Drama ends with christmas song presentation. And the santas throwing sweets to the audience]
copyright not reserved@ free to use@ do give feedback@ praises, critics, suggestions etc
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
10.15a.m. 晴。电风扇停了,日光灯灭了。该走的人离开了,留下的人睡着了,醒着的人沉默着。屋内寂静一片。 晨。 阳台。屋外,阳光把天地照得通亮。空气中夹杂着大量的阳光颗粒,散发出淡淡愉悦的味道。屋前的大树正尽情地享受着日光浴。向阳的叶片闪着耀眼的金黄,另一面则散发着稳重的墨绿色,叶随晨风婆沙,草地上的叠影千变万化,像个捉不着的顽童,这般纯真,活泼快活。草坪上的孤立椅子是为谁而放的?长长的影子里又有着什么样的记忆?一旁的路灯已失去了夜间的光芒,静静的伫立着,完全融入了大自然中,宛如一名坚守岗位的老兵。远处湖边的车辆减慢了车速,缓缓而行,仿佛不舍撕裂早晨的恬静。慢跑的人们披着晨光,奋力的往各自的目标迈进。树下的kikapoo 是昨日的顽童遗下的吧?成长中我们又曾遗下过什么?
KII's Girl
If u ever doubt whether HE can manage to attract any gal, then, i tel u, u r totally wrong.. Despite his pear-shaped tummy and big buttocks, actually he can flirt quite well. Whenever he meets any pretty gal (sometime even ntso pretty ones, cox i doubt his taste, really..), he will immediately, show his wolf fangs and color wolf distinct.. Guess what he do? Although he feel like doing sth nt so morale, however he doesn hav the gut, so, he just ask 4 the phone no.. Thou he is proud being a flirto, many a times he fails miserably. I am here to witness tat he was once turned down by a gal who was talking over a phone while he was on his usual 'hunting'. The gal said tat she doesn ha a phone after being asked for phone no.. How ridiculous.. He was down for the hol day. Finally, heres the main point of the day. HE IS FINALLY IN LOVE NOW!!!! OH MY LADY GAGA /// The lucky one is so called " Debt Collecting Company". Personally, i think they suit well. They Msn till mid night and even kiss gud nite to each other b4 offline. They r such sweet birds tat dont mind acting disgustingly in front of public. Recently, Kii finally grabbed a chance to sit bside her in the bus. However, the main characters suddenly soo shy tat they turned away frm each other. I saw HE breathing heavily, most probably trying to catch the scent of perfume on her hair. So, you guys might ask how you know HE is in love with her and their OPEN relationship? Okay, its like this, that gal recently did some make up even when going to faculty to attend lectures and others. He is so so so attracted with her make up and everytime He saw her, He start to fantasize! When everyone is complaining about the unsuitable situation-make up, he is totally disappointed as at the end the complains made her to stop make up. Nevertheless, HE already have lots of picture of her in make up, in night gown and so on. Oh! How lovely and perveted HE is! TOP SIZZLING NEWS: HE was recently stocking three low quality 'balloons', God knows wat is he going to do wif them..
Friday, October 1, 2010
D@nny wls is a nuisance
I hate him sooo much.. He is such a super duper nuisance.. an eyesore.. He used to fart in front of me. N even steps on my bed during weekends. How much i hope he ll disappear into the thin air. If only i m a wizard, i would zap him into a bulltoad n let him stay in Titiwangsa Lake 4ever..
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