Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Its never too early to wish u Merry Christmas

  The story takes place in a country, known as Malaysia, in a city, by the name of Kuala Lumpur. Christmas is a big day for every Christian  and indeed most of the Malaysians. During this festival, we can go shopping cox there's sales everywhere. we send christmas cards to each others, we have christmas concerts, christmas gatherings. christmas parties.. (Music playing softly) .. and christmas church service ( sound of glass breaking). However, is this what christmas really meant to be? And who's the main character of christmas? Santa Claus? Raindeer? Christmas presents in stockings? Dwarves? 101 Dalmations? Or a roasted giant turkey? (A person showing cards with pictures of aforementioned characters.) Definitely no. Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Chapter I
(In a shopping mall, Christmas song playing)
  Shopping mall buzzled with pp, doing Christmas shopping. A Santa approaches the cashier. Unexpected, he draws a gun and points it at her. "Merry Christmas! Santa Fund Raising!" Cashier hands up. "Gimme all the cash!" Cashier hands over the money, hands trembling. "Hohoho.." Santa leaves the shopping mall.

(On a road)
  People rushing home for Christmas parties. A Santa approaches a group of girls, showing his knife. Girls screaming. "Merry Christmas! Santa Fund Raising!" He grabbed the shopping bags and their handbags. "Hohoho.." Santa leaving.

(In a house, owls hooting)
  5 Santas holding a party. Tossing and drinking and eating KFC. "Merry Christmas!" One of them goes and turns on the TV. (News Broadcasting music) (Broadcaster adjusting her attire and hair) "Santa Krisis" "Apa yang akan berlaku apabila Santa menjadi penjahat? Sepanjang minggu ini, 5 bank, 5 gedung beli-belah dan 5 buah rumah telah dirompak oleh sekumpulan Santa.. Selain itu, 5 orang turut mengadu dirompak ketika berada di tengah jalan raya. Menurut mangsa, mereka memakai seperti Santa biasa kecuali mereka memakai selipar Jepun, menjadikan mereka sukar dikenali. Satu lagi persamaan mereka ialah mereka akan cakap: Merry Christmas! Santa Fund Raising! Hohoho.. ketika merompak. Jadi, org ramai disaran berhati-hati ketika berada dalam kalangan Santa, terutamanya Santa yang memakai selipar Jepun." "Hohoho.." he turns off the TV.
The doorbell rings. Half drunken, one of them opens the door. There's a bright light outside and all of them are stunned..

Chapter II
3 Wisemen follows a star until they reach a stable.(Star on a magic wand hold by another pp) Leaving their sandals outside, they push the door and enter. They saw a most amazing sight of their life. A baby boy lying on a heap of dry grass. Jesus is the name. Mary and Joseph, the parents are at the side. A hoard of angels appear. (Hymn  song playing) The angels are singing. Wisemen are overjoyed. They put aside the presents. Hold the baby and pass him over their heads. At the same time, they are giving blessing to the baby in different languages. 

Chapter III
(Fast tempo music)
Time flies. Years later, Jesus grows into a strong and handsome young man. He helps his father in the carpentry. And he starts preaching words of God and healing the sick and suffering. Scene showing a lame, a blind, a coughing old man, a dead pp covered by white cloth. "Stand up and walk. Your faith has healed you" The lame walks away, happily. "In the name of The Father, you shall see." The blind takes off the sunspecs. Jesus pats the coughing one on the back and coughing ceases immediately. He walks pass the dead and she is risen to life. However, what Jesus does in unpleasing to the chief priests, false prophets and teachers of law. They are seeking opportunities to kill Jesus. (Far away, a group of pp shaking heads, sighing and whispering among themselves)   

Chapter IV
(Sad music)
Jesus is having supper with his disciples. "I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me- one who is eating with me." He took bread, gave thanks, gave it to his disciples, saying,"Take it, this is my body." He took the cup, gave thanks, and offered it to them, they all drank from it. "This is my blood and the covenant, which is poured out for many." When they had sung a hymn, they went out to Mount of Olives, where Jesus pray to the Lord:" Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will but what you will." Judas, one of his disciples, comes with a group of soldiers, "Rabbi!" he cried out and kisses Jesus. Jesus is arrested.

Chapter V
(Sad music again)
Jesus is tortured. Soldiers whipped him and pierced him with spears. They make a crown of thorns and make him wear it. He is then nailed on the cross, crucified. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He cried out again in loud voice, he gave up his spirit. (strong music) Curtains of temple was torn to in 2 from top to bottom. Earth shook. Rocks split. Tombs broke open, bodies of holy pp who had died were raised to life, went into city and appeared to many pp.

Chapter VI
Women go to Jesus tomb, carrying flowers for him. The stone was rolled away. Only the cloth wrapping Jesus's body remained. Picked up the cloth in their hands:"Where is Jesus?" Jesus appeared to the multitude, showing the nail marks on his palms and testifying for God. He ascended into heaven. "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creations." 

Final Chapter
(Owls hooting)
Santas wake up frm their dreams. They are trembling at what they had seen and heard. They heard a voice as sweet as the ringing of jingle bells: Here i am! Standing at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, i will come in and eat with him, and he wif me. (christmas carol song) They heard a song coming from far to near. Christmas carol! (Carol team acts as if they are singing it) The Santas pick up their belongings and merrily join the carol.

[Drama ends with christmas song presentation. And the santas throwing sweets to the audience]

   copyright not reserved@ free to use@ do give feedback@ praises, critics, suggestions etc


  1. is dis the script u are going to come out?? hmmm..

  2. hmmmm..shud i say yes? any comment? gud ones, bad ones.. i m willing to learn:)

  3. good one.. surely.. =)
    but if wanna act it out, need simple a bit. but no worries, can adjust.. when wil u free? frm 10/11 til 12/11? meet up n discuss. if not den wait til my sem reopen la. heehee. and rmmbr, script writer: albin yong
    director: albin yong and jane.. (haha, coz u wrote it, so best in express) ^^v

  4. ya.. personally feel its bit long too.. midddle part. don tin ll b free. cox exam.. T>T
